The Softer Side of Leather

Classic leather albums are the best we offer our customers. You customize expressly for them, and each individual, couple, or family has a different vision of a perfect. Finao has always offered a wide selection of classic, rich, and adult colors and textures of leather. For those of you who want more, here’s a peekContinue reading “The Softer Side of Leather”

Introducing Barnwood, the first of our new materials for 2019

Welcome to 2019! As promised, we’re refreshing our material options. Your new customers will have the attractive choices you’ve requested, and your loyal customers get a fresh selection. Wood is a natural material that never goes out of style, coordinating well with changing decor. It’s a choice to love today and years from now. OurContinue reading “Introducing Barnwood, the first of our new materials for 2019”

How to Keep Your Glass Half Full

Some people are amazing in the way they see the positives in a negative situation. I’ve never met her, but I’m willing to bet that Amanda Summerlin is a naturally glass-half-full person. Amanda’s studio is Amanda Summerlin Photography in Lawrenceville, Georgia and she has been a Finao customer for seven years. A few days ago,Continue reading “How to Keep Your Glass Half Full”

New to Finao?Enjoy our ‘Welcome to the Family’ gift.

It’s fantastic that you’ve found Finao! We’re confident you’ll love our products. Take a look at our range of presentation options to see why so many professional photographers choose us as a trusted partner in the success of their business. Finao is here to help grow your business and create delighted customers and referrals. We’re proud to offerContinue reading “New to Finao?Enjoy our ‘Welcome to the Family’ gift.”

Elements and Reveal – the adaptable DIY studio stockers that let you give customers instant gratification.

It’s almost Labor Day, so of course, we’re thinking of ways to save you a little time and effort. What better way than with a DIY album. They are perfect for in-person reveals or to capture the intensity of the moment with an instant album. Or maybe it’s a last-minute booking, and your client needsContinue reading “Elements and Reveal – the adaptable DIY studio stockers that let you give customers instant gratification.”

Limited Edition Cover: Tufted

FOUR NEW AND VERY SPECIAL COVER OPTIONS ARE HITTING THE RUNWAY THIS SEASON AND ARE AVAILABLE AS LIMITED EDITIONS IN THE FINAO ONE™ SERIES ALBUMS. The Limited Edition category gives us a chance to introduce cutting-edge and trend-setting looks that are a little something special for the right person. Some items may feature new, uniqueContinue reading “Limited Edition Cover: Tufted”

NEW! NAKED pages on Elements

Elements, the choice album for self-mount assembly, now come with three distinct page options: 1. Album Style – adhesive on all page-sides.   2. TXT Guestbook Style – adhesive on right page-sides only, left page-sides are blank paper for signatures.   3. NEW Naked Page Style – no adhesive on any pages.  Perfect for mountingContinue reading “NEW! NAKED pages on Elements”

Last Minute Gifts: In Stock Items

There is still time to put a little more profit in your pocket this holiday season!  Finao has some great products that are in-stock and ready to rock and a few others with super quick turn-around on your custom orders!   You have until Dec 16th with standard shipping or Dec 19th with overnight toContinue reading “Last Minute Gifts: In Stock Items”

Brides NEED a Wedding Album: Why it should be a Finao Album

A photographer client asked me what he should be saying to his brides about why they should have a Finao album.  Not just any album, but specifically, a Finao album.  I was caught without an immediate answer.  Not good.  I always tell photographers to put down in writing why a bride should book with him/herContinue reading “Brides NEED a Wedding Album: Why it should be a Finao Album”

Selling Boudoir & Glamour Photography

Let’s talk glamour and boudoir sessions. These images tend to be of a more personal nature and the sale of wall portraits (the typical goal in portraiture) might be difficult, or even ill-advised.  With these types of sessions, a photographer can risk low or no sales if there is not a specific plan to makeContinue reading “Selling Boudoir & Glamour Photography”