For Album Design, Finao is Your Perfect Partner

One topic that sparks debate among photographers is album design. Some love every detail of the layout with obsessive fervor, while others run screaming at the thought of it. In peak album season, Facebook threads are full of frustration and avoidance, especially when working with a customer who is hard to satisfy. Then there’s theContinue reading “For Album Design, Finao is Your Perfect Partner”

How to Keep Your Glass Half Full

Some people are amazing in the way they see the positives in a negative situation. I’ve never met her, but I’m willing to bet that Amanda Summerlin is a naturally glass-half-full person. Amanda’s studio is Amanda Summerlin Photography in Lawrenceville, Georgia and she has been a Finao customer for seven years. A few days ago,Continue reading “How to Keep Your Glass Half Full”

Love Notes….

Every day we receive emails, Facebook posts and tweets that make us love what we do even more!  When our customers are happy, we’re ecstatic, and we just wanted to share the love with all of you!  It was a really tough call because they are all so great, but we’ve picked out some ofContinue reading “Love Notes….”